"UIPATH 1"="Appearance\Start menu\Windows XP\Classic Start Menu / New Start Menu"
"NAME"="Start Menu Type"
"TEXT 1"="Let user choose (default)"
"TEXT 2"="Force "Classsic Start Menu" style "
"DESCRIPTION 1"="By default, Windows XP displays the start menu in the "New Start Menu" style and lets the user choose to switch to the Classic Start Menu (by using the context menu of the Start Menu)."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="This setting can be used to force the type of the Start Menu, which means the normal UI does no longer allow to change the style of the Start Menu."
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
"COMMENT 1"="Thanks to Monique <monique.de.meester@pandora.be> for this tweak!"